All Albums
   I Still Believe [2013]
   Smile [2006]
   Now Choose Life [2003]
   Puddles [2003]
   Grace [2003]
   Basement Sessions [2002]

Lead Artists
   Adele van Zyl
   Chris Goodchild
   Faye Hinsley
   Rich Barber
   Wes Hinsley


I Still Believe [2013]
Chris Goodchild

"Life is messy". The songs on this EP are about handling life when things don't all go according to plan. There may be times of difficulty, confusion, doubt, pain... In this album, Chris writes from the heart about his experiences of staying holding on to hopes and dreams through the tough times. Look out for a expanded full album later in the year.
A couple of these songs we use often in our church setting; others are for sitting and pondering (with tea of course). We hope that a listen through this EP might just help you find some encouragement, comfort and confidence to keep going, trusting and believing. Download it here, or buy one here. Or both!

      Running Time26.11